Huebener, P., O’Brien, S., Porter, T., Stockdale, L. & Zhou, Y. (Eds.) (2017). Time, globalization and human experience. London: Routledge.




This is a review of the book Time, globalization and human experience published in 2017. The book is participated by a group of authors, whose academic careers are linked to Cultural Studies, Social Studies of Science and Technology, and Media Studies. Apart from being currently relevant, it may contribute greatly to the contemporary exercise of politics. It provides an analysis of globalization, its implications, and effects, from a temporal perspective. By revisiting authors such as David Harvey, the various chapters of this book give us a deep view of time details on global space.


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Luhmann, N.1982). The differentiation of society. Nova Iorque: Columbia University Press.

Oreskes, N. & Conway, E. (2014). The collapse of western civilization. Nova Iorque: Columbia University Press.



How to Cite

Araújo, E. (2020). Huebener, P., O’Brien, S., Porter, T., Stockdale, L. & Zhou, Y. (Eds.) (2017). Time, globalization and human experience. London: Routledge. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(1), 283–287.