The Protagonism of Venezuelan Migrant Women in the Documentary Short Film Hermanos, Aqui Estamos (2021) by Jade Rainho
Venezuelan migrants, representation, short film, communicationAbstract
The text analyses the elements that make up the reality of Venezuelan migrants, who narrate their stories in the short documentary Hermanos, Aqui Estamos (Brothers, Here We Are; 2021). Using thematic analysis as a methodology (Braun & Clarke, 2006), with an inductive and contextualized approach, we identified five narrative groups for the 12 subjects of the documentary short film. We identified three themes and seven sub-themes from the research corpus: introducing the subjects (who are they? how did they get here?); migrating (why are they here? difficult choices; work) and feelings (about the country of origin; about being a migrant). We analysed the documentary short film by discussing the relationship between communication and the migrant condition, based on ElHajji (2018), and subalternity and representation, according to Spivak (1988/2010). Thus, it was concluded that this documentary production is of great importance because it opens up a space for migrant women to tell their own stories and reach other people, including other Venezuelan migrants. In this way, the short documentary Hermanos, Aqui Estamos (2021) preserves the memory of these women, working both as a communication tool and as an exposé of the problems that society and the Brazilian state must address in order to properly welcome and include them.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Emile Botelho, Alessandro Mateus Felippe, Cristóvão Teixeira Rodrigues
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