Risk Tourism Within Viral Society: A Study Using Hybrid Discourse Analysis





risk society, viral society, viral risk tourism, hybrid discourse analysis, alphabet of interconceptual relations


In recent decades, sociologist Ulrich Beck (1992) has been warning about the risk society in which we operate today, which includes risks that are not only conjunctural but essentially structural, such as pollution and global warming. Recently, contemporaneity faces a new serious risk, the pandemic caused by COVID-19, which seems to be transforming our social formations into a viral society. In order to understand these social processes and sociological questions, the present text draws attention to one of the most relevant social and intercultural mediations in the current social framework, the articulation between the coronavirus pandemic and tourist activities. A case study deals here with the discourse produced about such themes by digital social network Wikipedia. This study is contextualized by theoretical and practical reflections from tourism studies and supported by ideas such as “viral risk” and “viral risk tourism”. A sample of content extracted from Wikipedia is analyzed and interpreted through a qualitative and quantitative method developed by the author, named “hybrid discourse analysis”, which uses, among other interpretive tools, the “alphabet of interconceptual relations”.


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Author Biography

Pedro Andrade, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Pedro Andrade is a sociologist and researcher at the University of Minho, Communication and Society Research Centre. He was a teacher at the Universities of Coimbra and Lisbon, on sociology of culture, communication, sociological methods, digital humanities. He researches about urban cultures, art communication, art/science museums, literacies, digital social networks (web 2.0/web 3.0), methodologies/hybrimedia. He was a coordinator of international projects, for example, Scientific-Technological Literacy and Public Opinion (2005, on science museums publics) and Public Communication of Arts (2011, about art museums and its relationships with audiences, tourism, digital/virtual sociological methodology, hybrimedia interaction, sociological/cultural games, social networks, virtual/augmented reality), both funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Participation within international university webs, for example, Virginia Commonwealth University, United States; member of the project Manifesto Art and Social Inclusion in Urban Communities (United Kingdom). He is an author of several books and scientific papers published in international and national journals with peer review, indexed in global bibliographic databases (Web of Science, etc.). He is the director of the first Portuguese-French scientific journal, Atalaia-Intermundos (since 1995).


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How to Cite

Andrade, P. (2022). Risk Tourism Within Viral Society: A Study Using Hybrid Discourse Analysis. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 9(1), 127–151. https://doi.org/10.21814/rlec.3671