World Out of Place: The Degradation Trajectory of Holiday Building From the Perspective of Bourdieusian Social Space
Holiday Building, social space, life styles, ways of living, Pierre BourdieuAbstract
This article, considering Bourdieusian sociology and its conceptual notions of social space and lifestyles, launches a reflective analysis of the biographical trajectory of symbolic degradation of an emblematic edifice built in Recife (Brazil) — the Holiday Building. Located in Boa Viagem, one of the wealthiest neighbourhoods in the city, the building is an icon representative of the arrival of modernity in the capital and marks a period of important changes in the landscape and lifestyles of Recife. With 416 small apartments that could accommodate more than 3,000 residents, this building showcased the experimental design of summer apartments for the middle and upper classes, but by the 1970s, it already showed signs of devaluation within a neighbourhood with an upward social trajectory. As defended by Bourdieu, our analytical tools use authorial photography and images of the building. Photographic materials are used to build a “before” and “after” eviction from the Holiday, using essays by two journalists from Recife as the primary guiding thread of the analysis. The results contribute to a better understanding of the symbolic dimension of housing in the urban social space. The article also suggests a turning point in discussions around the reception and the contours modernity acquired in southern hemisphere metropolis, such as Recife.
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