Inventory Space, Invented Space


  • Frederico Augusto Vianna de Assis Pessoa Departamento de Comunicação Social, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil



city, listening, sound cartography, sound ethnography, sensory


This article addresses the engendering of listening territories in the town of Belmonte (Brazil) and discusses how listening can be about a way of knowing the world which starts in the senses and dives into it deeply and intensely to bring to light insights that can guide our perceptions of an object in various aspects. Regarding a city, those aspects can go from its urban structure to the relationships between people who inhabit it. The text proposes an essay in which travelogues engage in dialogue with the openness to the sensations caused by the soundscapes and their reticular characteristics where affection, coexistence, differences, the relations between human and non-human beings, the geographies of economic power, different subjectivities and the multiplicity that characterises a city are manifested. It presupposes that to listen is to be attentive to the dynamic movement of the world and the ephemerality of the events and interweavings that occur in it to translate what affects us into words. Although the essay focuses on an approach to listening, it acknowledges the impossibility of separating the five senses in perception and their continuous action in the relations between human beings and the world, thus forming not only individual subjectivities and idiosyncrasies, but also shareable perspectives on being and acting in the shared space.


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How to Cite

Pessoa, F. A. V. de A. (2021). Inventory Space, Invented Space. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 8(1), 123–140.