Urban public art and tourism communication





urban public art, tourism communication, city 3.0, communicative tourism, web 3.0


The present text, on the one hand, aims to unveil some of the most recent debates on urban public art, and its most creative practices. In this perspective, an illustrative case study about the Imminent Festival is presented as interculturality immanent to public art. Then, public e-art is discussed, that is, public art that is produced and shared in cyberspace and cybertime. And these artistic initiatives are confronted with controversies, classic and current, about mobile cultures such as tourism and, in particular, the tourist communication process. New epistemologies and sociological methodologies are also addressed, and exemplified with Artistic Sociology, Hybridology and Sociological Comics. Finally, a brief glossary seeks to synthesize and define some sociological concepts that circumscribe central social processes, underlying the articulation and hybridization between urban public art and tourist communication.


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How to Cite

Andrade, P. (2020). Urban public art and tourism communication. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(1), 39–59. https://doi.org/10.21814/rlec.2119