Emerging Perspectives: An Overview of Alternative Digital Media and Migrant and/or Racialised People in Portugal





alternative media, activism, racialized people, migration, Portugal


Alternative digital media form part of an effervescent movement to create media organisations, offering an important counterpart to the tendency to concentrate information production within a few institutional conglomerates. In Portugal, while these media outlets have gained prominence in academia, there are still few studies addressing the issue from the perspective of migrants and/or racialised people. In order to address this gap and provide an in-depth overview of the digital alternative media ecosystem in Portugal concerning these social groups, this article presents discussions informed by analyses based on a mapping of digital alternative media related to migration and/or racialised people. Various aspects are examined, such as the relationship between their foundation and the historical and social contexts in Portugal over the last few decades, the challenges of operating with small teams, and the problems associated with adopting different funding strategies. Thus, this analysis contributes to a critical discussion of pressing issues that shape the debate on the role and significance of the participation of this underrepresented group of the population in the media in Portugal. The goal is to foster a more inclusive, diverse and representative media ecosystem that reflects the country's social and cultural diversity. It offers a critical examination of the role and significance of involving this segment of the population in the media in Portugal, aiming to promote a media ecosystem that is more inclusive, diverse, and representative of the country's social and cultural diversity.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Posch, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Patricia Posch (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) holds a PhD in Cultural Studies, a Master’s degree in Culture and Communication and a degree in Social Communication with a specialisation in Advertising and Marketing. She is a collaborating researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre (Portugal) and a member of Arte, Cultura e Poder (Art, Culture and Power Research Group; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Currently, she is part of the MigraMediaActs — Migrações, Media e Ativismos em Língua Portuguesa: Descolonizar Paisagens Mediáticas e Imaginar Futuros Alternativos (MigraMediaActs – Migrations, Media and Activism in Portuguese: Decolonising Media Landscapes and Imagining Alternative Futures; PTDC/COM-CSS/3121/2021). In addition to her scientific career, Patricia has experience in communication, marketing, sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives. She has collaborated with organisations such as Action Aid, World Vision, WWF, Carrefour, L’Oréal, the Brazilian Navy, VALE, Odebrecht, the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, the State Environmental Institute of Rio de Janeiro (INEA/RJ[C3] ) and the Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará (FIEC/CE[C4] ).

Gessica Correia Borges, Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Gessica Correia Borges (São Paulo, Brazil) is a social communicator with a degree from Anhembi Morumbi University (Brazil) and a master’s degree in African Studies from the University of Porto (Portugal). Her research is focused on memory, identity, and resistance through the oral history of Black Brazilian women. She is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the University of Minho (Portugal), with a grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, and a member of the MigraMediaActs — Migrações, Media e Ativismos em Língua Portuguesa: Descolonizar Paisagens Mediáticas e Imaginar Futuros Alternativos (MigraMediaActs – Migrations, Media and Activism in Portuguese: Decolonising Media Landscapes and Imagining Alternative Futures; PTDC/COM-CSS/3121/2021). Her research often explores themes such as decolonial activism, oral history and Black women. A self-taught writer from a young age and a poet at heart, Gessica has had her work published in Brazilian anthologies, including Poetas Negras Brasileiras (2021). She is also an active member of Portuguese anti-racist collectives and associations such as União Negra das Artes.

Chisoka Simões, Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Chisoka Paulo Simões is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the University of Minho, Portugal. His academic research centres on migrant, multicultural, and diasporic heritage in northern Portugal, employing concepts from critical heritage studies such as transnationalism, the politics of recognition, spatial justice, and the social construction of places and spaces.

Carla Cerqueira, Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada, Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Universidade Lusófona, Porto, Portugal

Carla Cerqueira holds a PhD in Communication Sciences, specialising in Communication Psychology, from the University of Minho. She is an associate professor at Lusófona University, where she also serves as the director of the doctoral programme in Communication and Activism. She is a researcher at the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies and a collaborator at the Communication and Society Research Centre. Carla is actively involved as a researcher and consultant in various funded academic and social projects focused on gender and the media. She serves as the chair of the Comité de Investigação e Política do GAMAG — Aliança Global sobre Género e Media (Research and Policy Committee of GAMAG - Global Alliance on Gender and Media). She is a board member of the Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre Mulheres (Portuguese Women’s Studies Association) and a member of Conselho de Opinião da RTP (RTP’s Opinion Council). Additionally, she is a member of ECREA’s Ethics Committee. Her research interests include gender, feminism, intersectionality, non-governmental organisations and media studies. She is the principal investigator of the FEMglocal project (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021). She is a member of the MigraMediaActs — Migrações, Media e Ativismos em Língua Portuguesa: Descolonizar Paisagens Mediáticas e Imaginar Futuros Alternativos (MigraMediaActs – Migrations, Media and Activisms in Portuguese: Decolonising Media Landscapes and Imagining Alternative Futures; PTDC/COM-CSS/3121/2021).


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How to Cite

Posch, P., Correia Borges, G., Simões, C., & Cerqueira, C. (2024). Emerging Perspectives: An Overview of Alternative Digital Media and Migrant and/or Racialised People in Portugal. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 11(2), e024015. https://doi.org/10.21814/rlec.5748