Activist Art and Ecological Art: Exploring the Interplay of Culture, Environment, and Society, Artistic Approaches, and Cultural Production Contexts
ecological art, environmental art activism, culture and environment, political identity of art, cultural productionAbstract
Environmental activism, expressed through art, prompts an educational process, generating reflections and evoking a sense of vulnerability experienced by human bodies before the reality of the climate emergency (Rodriguez-Labajos, 2022). Because ecological art sparks subjective responses aimed at raising awareness and driving action on socio-environmental concerns, this theoretical, reflective, and interpretive article seeks to explore the concepts of “activist art”, “ecological art”, and analogous designations in order to analyse the interplay between culture, environment, and society and the conditions shaping cultural production practices. In pursuit of this objective, our inquiry delved into the framework of Félix Guattari’s concept of “eco-art” (1989/1990), the nature of ecological art approaches and the primary environmental causes they address, the contextual landscape in which environmental activist art practices unfolds and the dynamics of cultural production. Examples from Portuguese artists and projects were used to elucidate the nuances of creative practices and strategies linked to environmental sustainability, aspects relating to environmental education, ethical issues and cultural policies that align with ecological art. This article aims to contribute to the discussion on ecological art by exploring the political identity of art and emphasising the indispensable and inherent analysis between cultural practices and the environment.
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