Emergência Climática e Ativismos da Juventude: Um Estudo de Caso em Lisboa
Climate Emergency and Youth Activism: A Case Study in Lisbon
climate emergency, activism, youth, climate justice, PortugalAbstract
The present paper is part of ongoing doctoral research in political science in Brazil. It explores the advent of the Anthropocene as an ethical and political phenomenon, highlighting the transformation of humanity into a geological force and its political and epistemological consequences. We address the key role of young people in climate activism, that is in new movements such as End Fossil Occupy, the Student Climate Strike and Climáximo in Lisbon, Portugal. We hypothesise that the Anthropocene requires its own form of politics. Consequently, the narratives of young people in Portugal contribute significantly to establishing this new political paradigm.
The article is, therefore, divided into four parts, in addition to the introduction and concluding remarks. First, we analyse the concept of the Anthropocene and its weaknesses, and Latour’s views of this reality, commonly referred to as a war of worlds. This is followed by a brief discussion of climate activism in recent decades, and the description of the research methodology. The field experience in Portugal in October 2023 offers an enriching overview of the active involvement of Portuguese youth in the light of the emerging climate crisis. Finally, we share the field experience and the dialogue between these youth movements in the Portuguese capital. The aim is to provide an overview of the intersection between the Anthropocene, climate activism and the prospects of Portuguese youth.
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