Patrícia Galvão: The First Female Brazilian Cartoonist




Pagu, comics in Brazil, feminist strips, female comic artists


Although many male names have been recognised in the history of Brazilian comics, only some female figures are remembered. As such, this article aims to analyse two works by Patrícia Galvão: the album "Nascimento, Vida, Paixão e Morte" (Birth, Life, Passion and Death) and the series of eight strips published in the newspaper O Homem do Povo, under the title "Malakabeça, Fanika e Kabelluda" (Malakabeça, Fanika and Kabelluda). Better known as Pagu, Patrícia Galvão is now acknowledged as the first woman to publish comics in Brazil. "Nascimento, Vida, Paixão e Morte” was produced when the author was just 19 years old and is an autobiographical graphic narrative, considered the first Brazilian comic written and drawn by a woman. Moreover, Pagu pioneered the production of female-authored, feminist-themed strips in Brazil when she introduced two distinct female representations in "Malakabeça, Fanika e Kabelluda": the traditionalist wife and the young rebellious woman who defied conventional standards. Despite her innovation and prominent presence in the Brazilian cultural scene, Patrícia Galvão was — and sometimes still is — primarily recognised as a "modernist muse" or for her relationships with renowned writers. Thus, it is worth revisiting Patrícia Galvão's production since, as a woman and regardless of her connections, she produced highly relevant works communicating and disseminating feminist political messages and opposing gender discrimination and violence. It is, therefore, essential to acknowledge and reconsider the role of Patrícia Galvão/Pagu in the history of Brazilian comics.


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How to Cite

Avelino, S. (2023). Patrícia Galvão: The First Female Brazilian Cartoonist. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(2), 21–35.