Audience-Foyer: Dialogue and Public Formation with Dramatic Reading in Performing Arts




communication, theatre, audience-foyer, dramatic reading, public formation


The object of this article, whose research adopts a qualitative approach, takes an interdisciplinary path and has an applied nature, is the potential formation of theatre audiences seeking to turn them into virtually lasting public through artistic and communication practices in the field of performing arts called "audience-foyer" and "dramatic reading". At the theoretical and methodological levels, with descriptive and interpretative purposes, it draws from the model of studies of communication as dialogue, typical of the Latin American thinking in communication, from a public relations perspective, in which the practice of conversation and commentary, between the logic of organisational communication and the affection of art, emerges for the production of the social bond between artists and audience/public. This case study is about Teatro Mosaico (Brazil), in the staging of two dramatic texts: o Prólogo (Prologue), by director Sandro Lucose (2005), and A Caravana da Ilusão (The Illusion’s Caravan), by director Alcione Araújo (2000), where comedy and drama, in the same play, made the paths of a theatre company bifurcate.


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Author Biography

Yuji Gushiken, Departamento de Comunicação, Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil

Yuji Gushiken is a lecturer at the Department of Social Communication (journalism course) and the Postgraduate Programme (Interdisciplinary) in Contemporary Culture Studies at the School of Communication and Arts of the Federal University of Mato Grosso. He graduated in Social Communication: Journalism from the State University of Londrina and Public Relations from the Rio de Janeiro State University. He holds a doctorate and a master's in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He did post-doctoral training in the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Ceará. He is the leader of the Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunicação e Cidade (Research Group on Communication and the City).


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How to Cite

Gushiken, Y. (2023). Audience-Foyer: Dialogue and Public Formation with Dramatic Reading in Performing Arts. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(1), 113–131.