Sonorous Windows in Times of Pandemic




city, communication, culture, pandemic, sonorities


The ideas developed in this article take as reference not only part of the literature that analyzed the trajectory of some societies in times of pandemic and was produced within the framework of sound studies, but also the audiovisual material and narratives collected during an exploratory research. This research was carried out in the traditional media and on the social networks of the internet and focused on the behavior and reactions of the actors during the quarters of the covid-19 that occurred in 2020 and 2021 in several locations around the globe (with emphasis not only on the context of Brazil and the United States of America, but also on the countries of the European continent). It should be noted that we tried to analyze here the double flow of approximations and distances between the actors that — largely deprived of their dynamics of collective and daily interactions in the cities (due to the sanitary measures of social distance recommended by the authorities during the pandemic) — found, in some sound experiences of solidarity and protest (which echoed in the territories), alternatives for the realization of relevant socio-cultural exchanges. Thus, those actors produced peculiar and relevant alliances and tensions in this context, which make it possible to rethink — especially from the perspective of sound and music studies — not only the socio-political dynamics of the acoustic experiences that were generated in various locations, but also the limits and the porosity of traditional borders between the public and private spheres.


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How to Cite

Herschmann, M., & Trotta, F. (2021). Sonorous Windows in Times of Pandemic. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 8(1), 141–153.