Literature and tourism in digital: Lisbon and Fernando Pessoa
communication, Digital Humanities, literary tourism, literature, PessoaAbstract
Culture is one of the greatest motivations of tourists when they decide to visit a destination. The offer of cultural tourism is much diversified and recently it has been subdivided into several categories. Although it is still premature in Portugal, literary tourism represents a niche of tourism with ability of exploration, not only because of the reputable Portuguese writers, but also due to the places where they went through and in which they were inspired by. These places are unique equity elements. Therefore, this investigation intends to approach the cultural tourism and literary tourism concepts, as well as their connection to the digital. Later, as case of study it is explored the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa and the remarkable literary places existing in his homeland, Lisbon, which can be combined and presented in a digital itinerary. From an interdisciplinary perspective and a literary point of view, this study presents contributions to (digital) marketing and tourism.
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