Mobile applications for cultural tourism. St. James Way
mobile apps, St. James Way, CHIC, augmented reality, cultural tourismAbstract
This article presents the result of the study on mobile applications (apps) in the area of Cultural Tourism for the St. James Way. This study was developed within the scope of activity B2 “Content management belonging to the national cultural heritage based on open systems of preservation and interaction” of the CHIC project – “Cooperative Holistic View on Internet and Content” (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024498). Activity B2 aims to design and implement a platform for the development of mobile applications, which supports advanced media contents such as augmented reality, 360º video and georeferenced data, with the development of an application for the St. James Way. In this article, the main characteristics of existing mobile applications for the St. James Way are presented and analyzed.Downloads
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