The new research techniques in visual communication: a methodological proposal of videography




communication, videography, documentary film, visual methods, methodology


The aim of this paper is to show the application of videography in communication research. Having overcomed the debates on the epistemic weakness of audiovisual anthropology, we can adopt these tools characterized by the diversity of formats and supports for social research. For the study of non-fiction audiovisual production, interdisciplinarity allows flexible work based on the interrelation of elements of the various disciplines involved. We propose a methodological model composed of visual analysis, interview and videography for the study of audiovisual documentary. We have applied the method to a sample of documentaries and to three case studies of documentary productions in different formats. The expanded or immersive nature of the documentaries we analyse have led us to create specific categories of analysis for these new formats. Complementary we have introduced the 360º video in one of our case studies to know its possibilities. Among the results obtained we highlight the creation of a visual, textual and audiovisual material that provides us with information for the study of the documentary. The article fournishes a comparison between video formats and a theoretical reflection around the researcher’s gaze and the self-referential nature of research that shares the audiovisual simultaneously as an object and method.


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How to Cite

Marín, A., & Contreras, F. (2020). The new research techniques in visual communication: a methodological proposal of videography. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(1), 127–147.