Terno de Reis: between tradition and an update on identity in the Quilombola community of Nova Esperança





Terno de Reis, culture, identity, Nova Esperança


This paper aims to analyze how Three Kings day, a cultural expression present in several Brazilian communities, in this case the Quilombola Community of Nova Esperança, municipality of Wenceslau Guimarães, Bahia, keeps tradition regardless of the various cultural influences from contemporary shifting identities. According to the narratives of participants in Terno de Reis, the celebration is an important element in the reaffirmation of local identity and, above all, of the bonds of common ancestry with the founder of the community. When discussing the dynamics that involve the whole celebration of Three Kings day, it becomes pertinent to weigh culture as something dynamic, alive in time and space, capable of (re)acquiring new meanings and re-igniting the memory of the people who have a continuous relationship with both the past and the present. The narratives also show concern for the survival of this celebration in the face of the eminent threats that it suffers as a result of the liquidity of contemporary social relationships.


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How to Cite

Santos, C. C. (2019). Terno de Reis: between tradition and an update on identity in the Quilombola community of Nova Esperança. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(2), 127–141. https://doi.org/10.21814/rlec.2113