Insights for the analysis of the festivities: carnival seen by Social Sciences




festivity, carnival, Social Sciences, theory


Festivities not always are taken seriously as objects of study, but they have long attracted the attention of social scientists and other researchers. However, its analysis tends to be restricted and enclosed in some classical conceptions that, although relevant and useful, have become mere buzzwords and do not live up to the richness and complexity of this field of study. This article aims to provide some insights for the analysis of the festivities, focusing particularly on carnival and the way it has been treated by Social Sciences. It begins by exposing and discussing some theoretical recurrences – namely the theories of inversion, escape valve, resistance and communitas – and then presents other analytical perspectives that look at different facets of the festivities – cultural, social, economic and political – thus suggesting more in-depth and committed approaches to social reality and less hostage to the abstraction and dryness of theoretical models.


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How to Cite

Daun e Lorena, C. (2019). Insights for the analysis of the festivities: carnival seen by Social Sciences. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, 6(2), 51–67.