Call for Papers | Vol. 12, N.º 2 | Art, Education, and Community | March 14 to May 16, 2025


Editors: Fabiano Assis da Silva (CECS, Universidade do Minho, Portugal), Renata Flaiban Zanete (CEHUM, Universidade do Minho, Portugal) e Sumaya Mattar (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)

 Social inequalities, wars, migratory flows, climate change, and emerging technologies—particularly artificial intelligence—have contributed to profound instability, conflict, and insecurity across diverse social groups and geopolitical spaces. In this complex landscape, and amid the looming depletion of essential material resources for life on the planet, it is crucial to reflect on the role of art and education in fostering human connections, cultivating empathy, and advancing the common good. From a critical perspective, and rejecting the subjugation of education to metrics-driven learning and the competitive, technicist, and hyper-specialised logic, we propose education as a space for humanist and emancipatory practices.

This thematic volume, “Art, Education, and Community” seeks to showcase projects and practices that prioritise a sense of community and belonging with and through the arts in both formal and non-formal educational contexts.

When art succeeds in breaking away from the reproductive and banking logic (Freire, 1987) within educational spaces, it creates opportunities for collaborative work grounded in an ethic of solidarity, freedom of expression, and the cultivation of creative and transformative potential—allowing for the imagination of other possible worlds.

This issue welcomes proposals for articles, reviews, and interviews related to the main theme of this call, whether within the segments listed below or in other areas that authors consider relevant to the publication's focus.

Topics of Interest:

  • Decoloniality and counter-coloniality in art and education;
  • Art, education, identities, and intersectionalities;
  • Theatre and action research in education;
  • Community and collaborative artistic practices;
  • Challenges of teaching art in schools;
  • Artistic and pedagogical practices in non-formal educational spaces, including hospitals, prisons, institutions for families or individuals, refugee camps, and social projects;
  • Interculturality and multiculturalism in art and education;
  • Democratic and emancipatory cultural, artistic, and pedagogical activism and actions;
  • Art, education, ecocriticism, and planetary consciousness;
  • Art and a sense of community in teacher training and educational praxis;
  • Art, education, and new technologies;
  • Community art, education, and co-creation processes.


Freire, P. (1987). Pedagogia do oprimido. Paz e Terra.

Submission of full manuscripts: from March 11 to May 16, 2025



The manuscripts may be submitted in English or Portuguese. Papers selected for publication will be translated into Portuguese or English and must be published in both languages.


Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is an open-access academic journal that adheres to the stringent standards of peer-reviewing and blind peer-reviewing. After submission, each paper will be distributed to two reviewers, who have previously been invited to evaluate it according to its academic quality, originality, and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme of this issue of the journal.

Original articles are submitted on the journal's website at ( When submitting for the first time to the Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, please register here).

The guidelines for authors are available here.

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