Call for Papers | Vol. 8, nº 2 | Inclusion of persons with disabilities. Policies, practices, research and narratives | Closed


Editors: Carlos Veloso da Veiga (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal), Luísa Fernandes (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal) & Miguel Ángel Verdugo (University of Salamanca, Spain)


Disability is a condition that is inherent to the human condition and history shows that it has always been present in human communities, manifesting itself in different ways over time and in various different times and spaces of social life. The way in which disabilities have been socially represented, inclusively by persons with disabilities, has a direct impact on the lives of people with disabilities and the way that they are viewed by society.

This issue of the Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais/Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is structured around the themes identified in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The main objective is to improve social awareness about disabilities; remove physical and behavioural barriers; and combat stereotypes and prejudices. In other words, promote the human rights of persons with disabilities, eliminate discrimination and inequalities in participation and access to opportunities in life, improve quality of life and foster full social inclusion.

It can be argued that affirmation of the full inclusion of persons with disabilities now lies at the heart of international, national, regional and local policies, which share common theoretical perspectives. However, these policies lack new approaches and knowledge that can help us achieve these goals. This issue therefore aims to help orientate policies and practices of rehabilitation and inclusion, for researchers and policy makers and coordinators.

We hope that researchers interested in disability issues will be involved in this issue. We want to foster debate within and beyond the Portuguese-speaking world; open up new ways to leverage disability studies; attract and encourage readers to invest more time in understanding disability questions, foster scientific knowledge and discussion in this thematic area, which is both necessary and socially important; disseminate knowledge among politicians, professionals and researchers.

Contributions from various sources are accepted, on issues such as:

  • social, family, educational and professional inclusion;
  • independent life and quality of life;
  • barriers, violence and discrimination;
  • social, political and cultural representations;
  • analysis of public policies and organisational practices;
  • employment and training;
  • human rights and disabilities;
  • portrayal of disabilities in the media;
  • analysis and criticism of the theoretical models of disability;
  • influences and expectations of persons with disabilities.



Full article submission deadline: June 17, 2021
Editor’s decision on full articles: July 26, 2021
Deadline for sending the full version and translated version: September 30, 2021
Issue publication date: December, 2021


Articles can be submitted in Portuguese or English. After the peer review process, the authors of the selected articles should ensure translation of the respective article, and the editors shall have the final decision on publication of the article.



Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais/Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that uses a double blind review process. After submission, each paper will be distributed to two reviewers, previously invited to evaluate it, in terms of its academic quality, originality and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme chosen for the journal’s current issue.

Originals must be submitted via the journal's website ( If you are accessing Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais/Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies for the first time, you must register in order to submit your article (here).

The guidelines for authors can be consulted here.

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